Chapter 6
Visits and Meetings
Section 1. Visits
6-100. General.
This Section applies when, in furtherance of a lawful and
authorized U.S. Government purpose, it is anticipated that
classified information will be disclosed during a visit to a
cleared contractor or to a Federal facility.
6-101. Notification and Approval of Classified Visits.
The number of classified visits shall be held to a minimum. The
contractor must determine that the visit is necessary and that the
purpose of the visit cannot be achieved without access to, or
disclosure of, classified information. All classified visits
require advance notification to, and approval of, the organization
being visited. In urgent cases, visit information may be furnished
by telephone provided that it is followed up in writing.
6-102. Visits by Government Representatives.
Representatives of the Federal Government, when acting in their
official capacities as inspectors, investigators, or auditors, may
visit a contractor's facility without furnishing advanced
notification, provided these representatives present appropriate
government credentials upon arrival.
6-103. Visit Authorization Letters (VAL).
Contractors shall include the following information in all VAL's.
a. Contractor's name, address, and telephone number, assigned
CAGE Code, if applicable, and certification of the level of the
facility security clearance.
b. Name, date and place of birth, and citizenship of the employee
intending to visit;
c. Certification of the proposed visitor's personnel clearance
and any special access authorizations required for the visit;
d. Name of person(s) to be visited;
e. Purpose and sufficient justification for the visit to allow
for a determination of the necessity of the visit; and
f. Date or period during which the VAL is to be valid.
6-104. Recurring Visit Arrangements.
Classified visits may be arranged for a 12 month period. Contract
related visits may be arranged for the duration of the contract
with the approval of the activity being visited. The requesting
contractor shall notify all places honoring such visit arrangements
of any change in the employee's status that will cause the visit
request to be canceled prior to its normal termination date.
Copyright ⌐ 2006, KinoCode, Inc.